Thank you

hromadske community!

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the hromadske team has written thousands of articles and filmed over 200 war reports. Our journalists cover stories from hotspots and recently liberated territories, exposing Russian war crimes and highlighting the bravery of Ukrainians. They conduct investigations and bring the truth to light.

Founded during the Revolution of Dignity in 2013, hromadske has been working for you and thanks to you for 11 years. Your support helps us keep going.
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  • 11

    years of hromadske's work

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  • 100 uah
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the community support us?

I am not donating to make a political statement. I am donating because I appreciate bravery, wherever I see it. In particular, the bravery of your female correspondent, that I have seen lately on your YouTube channel
Very good reporting from a very scary region. Stay safe and good luck. Thank you and Slava Ukraine. From Chester in the UK 💪 🙏 💙💛 🧡
David Flood
Some incredible journalism. I've been watching the content from the start. Thankfully google translate to English works well. Keep up this incredibly important work!ʼ
Steven Parker
Thanks for all the translation for your videos, they do help to get the word out. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
Terrence Sauve
Got stuck with you since Diana's(spelling?) piece on "our" Leopard, stayed for the "telling it as it is" frontline pieces. Please keep the translation going, it makes a big difference. As better words elude me: Keep up your excellent work, stay safe and may Ukraine be free again soon !

Asked Questions

  • How do I cancel a recurring payment?
    1. Follow this link:
    2. Log in to the Liqpay system with the phone number you used to create a recurring payment.
    3. Enter the code from the SMS sent by the payment system.
    4. In your personal account, in the “Subscriptions” section, find the required recurring payment and cancel it.

    If something doesn’t work out for you at any stage, write to us at [email protected] and we’ll help you!

  • How do I change the amount of my monthly peaymnt?

    Subscribe to a different payment amount and cancel your previous subscription.

  • How do I change the card for withdrawing funds?

    Create a new payment with a different card and cancel the previous subscription. 

  • What will my money be used for?

    Thanks to your support, we can continue to report from the front line, investigate and expose the truth. To maintain the high standards of our journalism, we invest in modern equipment and technology to improve the quality of our content. A portion of your donations is used to pay for the work of our journalists, editors and team, who work to produce high quality material.

    We also actively invest in the training and professional development of our team to ensure the highest standards of journalism. Your support is the foundation of our independence and our ability to work for you.

    Being principled and independent is important but it is not easy. That’s why we need to support each other and work together for change.